Posted by on November 30, 2020

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Poor November, with only 30 days, when all the months around have 31, and poke fun. Enjoy this last day of the month, and all coming days as they become NOW…

Volume 1, Issue #138 – Published by LifeCraft Media. LLC, Monday, November 30, 2020Afternoon Edition

Options for the Brain: Test your patience: watch congress perform at work… schedules at and for the Senate, there is which has schedules and recorded sessions.

Off The Cuff:  The Presidents 2021 Budget – go ahead, read the budget, or at least the intro, which is signed by President Trump.

Road and Driver: It is okay to remind a person asleep at the wheel that there are other drivers on the road – a short honk or two…

Maybe I would not honk at that man.

The Covid Today: Turkey, then wave and after-wave yet to come – in two weeks we’ll be seeing what happened.

“What do you want for nothing?
Rubber biscuit?”

Rubber Biscuit from the Blues Brothers movie, author unknown, possibly the Chips

Tidal pool on drugs, you know which ones…

Coronavirus shutdowns don’t need to be all or nothing

By Jonathan Lambert
NOVEMBER 25, 2020 AT 1:33 PM

Jonathan presents a good read without the normal political B/S – thanks, dude. READ MORE HERE.

Op Ed:
Racism is not a USA thing, anymore than it is a Japan thing, or a China thing, or a Great Britain thing – it is a human knowledge thing: those you know, may be on your team, those you don’t? Who you gonna pick first? ohhhh.

Beach: Rain, sun, cooler temps – a fine day at the beaches, and quite a show out of Mayport today.

To the Navy and Marines, thanks!

Yesterday’s quote: Timothy Leary – let me repeat his quote: “Women who seek to be equal with men lack ambition.”

Todays Who Said:  “I don’t think many people have a very good understanding of leisure and the importance it plays in our lives.”

Setting the Record Straight: You can actually see the congressional people you voted for at work (above under Options for the Brain). Maybe you should see them at work.


Music: “Dance of the Planets” from Beside Solanum by Razbaque Dirge. cc4.0 license.

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