You make now as you choose.
The normal music selections of the day has been forgone in this issue to start you with this music related to the Lyrics section, and just one of the best groups of musicians of their genre… I especially like Foley McCreary’s piccolo base accompaniment. So start the youtube and enjoy today’s paper…
Volume 1, Issue #141 – Published by LifeCraft Media. LLC, Thursday, December 3, 2020 – Mid-day Edition
Options for the Brain:
Frank Lloyd Wright had wooden blocks to play with as a child, his father, a minister and musician left Frank and his mother when Frank was 14. He did not finish high school, he did not finish college (as a special student), yet the Guggenheim.
Off The Cuff:
The natural life clock will get over being late for kindergarten.
Road and Driver:
Argue the question of what a “line of code” is all you want, if your car is less than 5 years old, it will likely have taken around 100 million original lines of coding to create the final software running your car: basically, everything that happens in your car is connected to software. Occasionally, software instructions conflict. My take is that since we reboot much of the software each time we start the car, its likely we will never come across all the conflicting code, we just “randomly” happen across a conflict from time to time, especially in new car versions. Turn off, turn on, reboot, drive happily. Home systems are a good thing to reboot from time to time, too.

“I like livin’ this way
I like lovin’ this way
(That way) Why? Oh, why?
(That way) Why? Oh, why?”
Human Nature by Steve Procara and John Bettis, performed by Michael Jackson and Miles Davis – our version today was recorded in 1987 in Germany and you can find that album titled, That’s What Happened, all over the internet.
The Covid Today:
Here a wave, there a wave, everywhere a wave-wave, old Mother Nature had a virus, E I E I Oh, getting closer and every “big” person is weighing in, and some even want to show you media selfies when they get the vaccination, who-hoo – naysayers, start your engines.
Cocoa flavanols boost brain oxygenation, cognition in healthy adults
Date: November 24, 2020 Source:University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Little molecules called flavanols may be good for brain blood flow, too. See the full story.
Op Ed:
A year is so convenient a tool to gauge and unfortunately judge. Even as life starts, days, weeks, and then months are so important to us now… Now that we can know, and compare, and … Careful with that stat, Eugene! (Did you catch the Pink Floyd reference?)
A much nicer temperature at the beach today, sunshine with some early clouds at daybreak:

Love having fresh shrimp, which reminds me of Grandpa on Grand Isle, LA. Love shrimp.

Yesterday’s quote: Humphrey Bogart – let me repeat his quote: “A hot dog at the ballgame beats roast beef at the Ritz.”
Today’s Who Said: “The measure of a country’s greatness is its ability to retain compassion in times of crisis.”
Setting the Record Straight:
Only congress, along with ratification from 38 states can change the constitution. Trump can’t, Biden can’t, nor can any president… Oh yeah, separation of duties, BAM. Read More here if you like!
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