Posted by on December 9, 2020

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So, feeling distanced by news reports of black, asian, hispanic, and other AMERICANS, I’m thinking of starting my political conversations with hi, I’m an English, Welsh, Scottish, French, Spanish, North AMERICAN; or maybe, I’m just American, I know, but it sounds so much cooler in my American accent to say I’m “something” American. Be informed, not influenced…

Volume 1, Issue #147 – Published by LifeCraft Media. LLC, Wednesday, December 9, 2020 – Mid-day Edition

Options for the Brain:
And interesting question was posted that linked random drug testing for work to drug testing for social welfare recipients. To work and make money, our friend must remain drug free, but to get a welfare check, you can be addicted to drugs. Also brought into the idea was drug testing for Congress. There probably is a much better logician than I to come up with an valid argument for both Congress and welfare recipients to be drug tested, but I’m not thinking that matters much.
Facing the next two years without yet knowing how far left Congress will go, I’d say get use to the idea of a growing welfare state, especially as cities start moving police budgets to social services budgets; best start working now for the 2022 mid-terms, and somewhere outside of the city to live.

Off The Cuff:  
Shelley Rolfe, a great American columnist (deceased in 2004) wrote a column in the Richmond Times Dispatch called By the Way. His insights seemed to start my day with some emotion, whichever emotion Shelley was affecting, and whatever questions his writing evoked: That is why…

In the sixties, the Rolfe’s lived just up the hill from us in a small suburb just off Bethlehem Road in the near west end of Richmond, VA. Shelley was writing the Times Dispatch sports column then and on weekend day games, he would take kids in the neighborhood to Parker Field and get us in free to see the Richmond Virginians, the then NY Yankee triple-A baseball team.

Road and Driver:
The Rolfe’s son, Tony, and several other people in that neighborhood of long ago use to build and drive race cars, or run road rallies and things of that sort. Mr. Hamilton, next door, ran road rallies in his 1962 baby blue Triumph TR3, with the airplane doors. Tony went on to run formula cars and stock-cars for real. And then there was Fritzie’s husband and his 2-stroke, 3 cylinder SAAB – its blue smoke looked like its blue paint was disintegrating and coming out the tailpipe as he drove up the street.

Take a drive, see what’s around you; take the dog.

Word is, that’s Tony in the # 85 car.

The Covid Today:

From the unofficial Florida dashboard… I guess we’ll see what happens to poor Rebekah soon. Guns drawn – had they not seen the photos of her from all the prior media coverage, or were the guns drawn to show the that cops will pull guns on anybody, 110 pounds and up, or down?

“On the Rio Lacantun, one hundred thousand wait
To fall down from starvation — or some less humane fate
Cry for Guatemala, with a corpse in every gate
If I had a rocket launcher…I would not hesitate”

If I Had a Rocket Launcher by Bruce Cockburn – as moved by the cry for rights in Guatemala.

Repeating – the Geminids, this coming Sunday night – shooting stars born from a humble asteroid

By Ken Croswell
December 2, 2020: READ MORE HERE.

Op Ed:
Each day, the news just becomes more about politics than life, which is more important.

Sometime this morning the wind died out, and gave way to a light frost at the beachfront. Must have been cold on the shrimp boats. By the way, let’s hear it for Mayport, with only 4 covid cases reported. says…

Yesterday’s quote: Sammy Davis Jr. – let me repeat his quote: “The manic pursuit of success cost me everything I could love: my wife, my three children, some friends I would have liked to grow old with.”

Today’s Who Said:  “There’s times when I just have to quit thinking… and the only way I can quit thinking is by shopping”

Setting the Record Straight:
The Pot Bill – a bit more from the text… you’ll love how wide open this is to spend the new tax dollars…

(b) Director.—The Cannabis Justice Office shall be headed by a Director who shall be appointed by the Assistant Attorney General for the Office of Justice Programs. The Director shall report to the Assistant Attorney General for the Office of Justice Programs. The Director shall award grants and may enter into compacts, cooperative agreements, and contracts on behalf of the Cannabis Justice Office. The Director may not engage in any employment other than that of serving as the Director, nor may the Director hold any office in, or act in any capacity for, any organization, agency, or institution with which the Office makes any contract or other arrangement.

“(c) Employees.—

“(1) IN GENERAL.—The Director shall employ as many full-time employees as are needed to carry out the duties and functions of the Cannabis Justice Office under subsection (d). Such employees shall be exclusively assigned to the Cannabis Justice Office.

“(2) INITIAL HIRES.—Not later than 6 months after the date of enactment of this section, the Director shall—

“(A) hire no less than one-third of the total number of employees of the Cannabis Justice Office; and

“(B) no more than one-half of the employees assigned to the Cannabis Justice Office by term appointment that may after 2 years be converted to career appointment.

“(3) LEGAL COUNSEL.—At least one employee hired for the Cannabis Justice Office shall serve as legal counsel to the Director and shall provide counsel to the Cannabis Justice Office.

The federal government needed a new baby.


Music: “Dance of the Planets” from Beside Solanum by Razbaque Dirge.; cc4.0 license.

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