Off The Cuff: CBS reports that the “White House” Covid Task Force is not doing anything in their meetings. If that is true, then they should stop having meetings; if it is not true, when will the B/S stop?
In Other Words: Who gets to claim the Pfizer success… Operation Warp Speed?
Apologies: Occasionally, recently, you may have noticed several shortcuts in the daily paper. I had a great working schedule for the first 80 or so issues, and then… We are moving tomorrow, not far, just two blocks, but it is a full move and what we are hoping is our final full move, ever.
And soon I will have my time and focus back and return to the original NMBN sections, and the mid-day publishing schedule, so you’ll have a number of new things to astound your lunch bud’s with after taking the two minutes or so it takes to get the most out of The Neptune Beach Picayune Worthy.
Thank you for reading. In the next few days the paper will be published with short stories etc., and everything should get back to normal before the turkeys roast. (You may or may not know that even a one frame cartoon can take a long time to get right…, or close to right, or, as right as I can get it…
If we all just stop watching the talking heads, maybe they will fall off.

Tow by Gulf of Brass, cc 4.0 share by license, no edits made to original materials.
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